Green Screen

Green Screen ads use the popular green screen effect to place creators or spokespersons in front of the visuals that they are commentating on.  Greenscreen is commonly used in organic tiktok and instagram content and is a good way to add an engaging element to your ads.

Awareness Level
Green Screen Ads 1
Green Screen Ads 2
Green Screen Ads 3
Green Screen Ads 4
Green Screen Ads 5

Hooks/Headline Examples

Green screens are a visual execution. Combine greenscreens with other frameworks like listicals, comparison ads, education ads, etc.

Tips & Recommendations

  1. Use a conversational tone and make the creator relatable. Greenscreen ads feel native to platforms like TikTok when they have an organic, unscripted vibe. Injecting personality and humor can also work well.
  2. Layer a greenscreen testimonial over an ad that has already proven to perform well.
  3. Use a creator that represents your target audience's persona.
  4. Have your creator film in front of a blank white wall so the green screen effect cleanly removes the background.
  5. Trying a credible, authoritative or familiar creator.
  6. Move the green screen effect around the screen from clip to clip for visual variety.

Why It Works

Green screen ads are good for maintaining visual engagement by using changing backgrounds that keep the viewer's eyes focused while supporting the message.Paired with an informal, conversational style that feels native to social media platforms, these ads reduce the "salesy" vibe and foster trust by creating a more relatable and authentic connection with the audience.

What to Avoid

Make sure it looks like the greenscreen effect the you see on organic social. Use proper lighting and resolution and record using a blank background so that effect is cutting out your creator properly.